Our Testimonials

Long Covid Brain fog

After suffering from long covid with severe brain fog, it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on anything. Memory was a thing of the past. I had lost hope on getting any kind of mental clarity. Brain fog was incredibly difficult to handle, and it impacted all aspects of my life. After suffering from long covid with severe brain fog, it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on anything. Memory was a thing of the past.

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Nisha Shrivastava (45 yrs)
Doha, Qatar

Decades of Chronic Sinusitis

Hello all, anyone with severe sinusitis for years knows how laborious breathing is. I have suffered from the same for over three decades now. Even after DNS surgery, sinus drainage several years ago, they only provided temporary relief. I had to rely on medications all these years. I came across a talk that promoted food as medicine, and that made me wonder about whether something so simple would really help.

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Tushar Bhide
Frequent Traveler 
New York, USA

Recovering from a Diabetic double whammy

Fifteen years with diabetes – that was my reality. As a restauranteur, the irony wasn’t lost on me. Yet, life decided to throw another curveball. Searing stomach pain, culminating in a family wedding collapse, landed me in the hospital. The diagnosis? A double whammy – severe liver abscess and a struggling gallbladder, both consequences of my uncontrolled diabetes.

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Nimish Jain (55 yrs)
Mumbai, India

Blemished to Beautiful: Reclaiming Skin and Hair Health

After suffering from cystic acne and hairfall for decades, after trying all possible treatments for both, I had given up and thought that I would welcome my fifties with acne scars and thinning hair. 

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Kinnari Joshi (49 yrs)
Navi Mumbai, India

Beyond Painkillers: My Journey to a Drug-Free Existence

I am really happy to share the progress i have made and the changes I have seen in myself after completing the Shatayushi 360° Total Transformation Program.It has brought about a new kind of peace in my life. 

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Deepali Dikshit (43 yrs)
Pune, India

Shedding More Than Pounds:Rachna's Shatayushi

At the age of 46, I embarked on a transformative journey with Shatayushi 12-week Total Transformation program, and the impact has been nothing short of extraordinary. 

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Rachana Joshi(46 yrs)
IT Professional
Bengaluru, India

Life beyond pre-diabetes

I am absolutely thrilled to open up about my transformative journey with the Shatayushi 12-week Total Transformation Program. Turning the corner into my 40s, I received the surprising news of prediabetes. It hit me like a ton of bricks. However, the entrance of Shatayushi into my life marked a monumental shift, and let me tell you, it’s been an absolute game-changer!

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Deeksha Prakash (40 Yrs)
IT Professional
Pune, India

Soleful Renewal: Conquering Plantar Fascitis

At the age of 47, I found myself in the midst of a challenging battle with plantar fascitis, a condition that made my foot ache constantly and forced me to limp around for what felt like an eternity. I tried various remedies and consulted different sources, but relief remained elusive. Frustration and discomfort became my constant companions.It was during this challenging time

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Dr. Archana Awasthi (47 Yrs)
Doha, Qatar

Stepping into Freedom: Overcoming Plantar Fascitis with Shatayushi

I was dealing with this nagging foot pain from plantar fascitis that made me limp around for years. It was a real struggle, and I tried all sorts of things to get relief. That’s when a friend told me about the Shatayushi 12-week Total Transformation Program. 

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Misha Albert (43 Yrs)
HR Executive
Doha, Qatar

From Fatigue to Finesse: Sakshi's Shatayushi Story

At 43 years of age, I was feeling fatigue all the time, I was obese, not very health. I thought, I should fix my health before things get out of control. And let me tell you, it turned out to be the best decision ever! I heard about this program from a friend who had tried it, with amazing results.

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Sakshi Kumar (43 Yrs)
London, UK

Gout-Free at 48: Umesh's Holistic Health Odyssey

I’m absolutely elated to share my profound journey with the Shatayushi 12-week Total Transformation Program. At 48, I found myself navigating the challenges of lifelong low hemoglobin levels and a persistent battle with gout that had plagued me for several years, along with poor overall health.

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Umesh Kashyap (48 yrs)
Doha, Qatar

Shatayushi Triumph: A 74-Year-Old's Diabetes Turnaround

I am overjoyed to share the incredible journey of my 74-year-old mother through the Shatayushi 12-week Total Transformation Program. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of this holistic approach to health and well-being.

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Shikha Sheshadri (74 years)
Retired Teacher
Mumbai, India

Improved Heart health and diabetes control

I’m thrilled to share my personal journey with the Shatayushi 12-week Total Transformation Program at the age of 75. This experience has truly been a turning point for me, and I want to emphasize the incredible impact it has had on my overall health and well-being. For more than a decade, I’ve been managing diabetes, trying various diets and exercises with limited success. The routine of diabetes medications became a constant in my life, creating a sense of resignation to the ongoing struggle.

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Girish Phadke (75 yrs)
Mumbai, India

From Stress to Success: Incredible Transformation in Office Performance

I just had to share the incredible journey I’ve been on with the Shatayushi 360⁰ Total Transformation Program. Life-changing is an understatement! I’m Anvee, 43 years old, juggling work, family, and everything in between. Stress was my middle name, and it was affecting me at work and home. That’s when I came across Shatayushi 360⁰. This program isn’t just about workouts and diets; it’s a whole lifestyle shift. The daily live sessions for mental wellness were my lifeline.

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Anvee Suri 43 y
IT Professional
Bengaluru, India


From Stiff to Flexible in 12 Weeks: My Shatayushi Fitness Revolution!

I can’t believe the amazing journey I’ve had with the Shatayushi 12-week Total Transformation Program! Okay, let me break it down – I was this lazy, unfit 42-year-old who could barely touch her toes. Exercise was never my thing. I was wondering how my mindset about it would change in this program. It is one thing to show people how to exercise, it is completely different to actually make them do it. This program introduced me to a whole new world of exercises, and guess what?

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Aditi Sharma (42 Years)
IT Professional
London, UK

Today's meditation was very wonderful. I completely forgot that I was unwell. I was very happy for that. I would thank everybody that it was a wonderful journey of 90 days where I have improved with my health. Because of meditation I could control my Stress and not get anxiety. I could manage my Stress levels in a better way. My migraine and stress levels are so much under control. Thankyou very much
Mumbai, India
The Meditation today was very calming. Earlier I couldn't perform meditation more than 5mins, but now it is much better. The sleep meditation is doing wonders for me. I also perform visualisation meditation every morning and it has worked very great for me. I have improved in terms of concentration and get my mind focused. My energy levels have improved than before. It's a very good work in progress
Pune, India
Thankyou Medha, because of your all techniques and practice I could reach at Visualisation level during Meditation. I am very happy to be able to do it. Overall whole program was very helpful for me to bounce back to normal health. It has improved my mental strength. My blood reports have improved. And health-wise I am doing more physical activity, walking around more than before. I have also improved with Socializing. And my clutter in head has reduced drastically. I am grateful to have join the program
Medha is an excellent mentor ...with her techniques i am able to reduce my stress and the gratitude list has helped me to be grateful for all the things I am having..
New Delhi, India
Ishani is a good yoga teacher...she understands our capabilities and accordingly suggests exercise. Medha' s deep healing had helped in reducing stress and in the development of a positive attitude. In short this program provided us lot of information throughout this journey...so really thankful to the Shatayushi team
Pune, India
Ishani and Swapnil where very accomdating....i cannot sit on mat and do exercise..and whenever they do mat exercise they both see to it that i get an alternative exercise using chair. My flexibility has really improved...would love to continue with them
I have attended all Saturday's sessions. Dr Rashmi 's sessions has helped me a lot to understand misconceptions related to foods, wrong combinations. There were very few basic things to improve health which I wasn't aware of . Now every single day my Dinner table has 5 coloured salad which has shown improvement in Health for my whole family. Even when I send parcels to my daughter overseas, I make sure to add healthy seeds like pumpkin seed, sunflower seed etc which are also helping her to reduce greying of hair and overall health improvement. Every Saturday s sessions has helped to regain much more information. Today s meditation helped me to focus in a better way. It was very calming. All the mindful techniques since week one has helped me to reduce negativity. It has helped me to look at things in a much positive way. My relationship has improved very well with my family, my students. It was an amazing journey. Thankyou entire Shatayushi team.

All the instructors have been doing a Wonderful job and thanks to this program, there is a mindset change in me. I have started making healthy choices on food, I go for a walk everyday even if I had a busy day. I am able to prioritise my work. Following the instructions for healthy diet & exercises, mediations and deep healing sessions I lost 7kg by my 8th week. A big thank you to Team Satayushi 🙏

Lisa Doha, Qatar

All the Shatayushi instructors are too good and hats off to them for their sincerity and dedication. The follow up and volunteering for help is just amazing. The program is superbly designed and very holistic. thank you so much🙏

Smita Mumbai, India

We did get from Sujata, new insights about the daily diet. My interactions with her were quite positive and inspiring. I will follow her diet tips religiously.

Reva Mumbai, India

As we have almost completed 4 weeks...I would like to say a big thank u to all the Shatayushi team members... First of all a big thank you to Rashmi for making me join the wellness program..I was a bit hesitant at the start but now I am really grateful to her... Thank u to Ishani and Swapnil for being such a wonderful yoga teacher and helping me with modified exercise due to my arthritis problem Medha has taught me how to be positive and by writing this gratitude journal daily it has helped me focus on good things in life and made me happy Dr. Rupali understood our requirements and accordingly she has planned a wonderful diet chart for us Sujata always provides us with useful information which I was really unaware of.. A big shout to all the team members for their great effort and support🙏🏻

Vani Doha, Qatar

Hello ,just wanted to update my progress ,though unable to attend morning sessions for 4 days, but I am ensuring doing it (complete session activity) every day early morning (Thanks to Dr.Rashmi for guiding me), Ishani's exercise guide to do best possible ,I am trying to walk for at least for 30 mins, climb stairs (5 -6 floors) , wrt diet ,trying best for meaningful eating (asking myself, whether my body is really hungry and asking for meal , thanks to Dr.Rupali for inculcating this thought) Thanks to Medha for inculcating positive thinking attitude ,Wonderful session on Saturday, very nicely explained, it will definitely help us. Thanks to Shatayushi team🙏

Bijal Mumbai, India

Based on Sujata's tips I have included millets in my diet which I never ate before.

Charu Qatar

The mediation and the gratitude activity with To do list n intention helps me to keep focused on what I want to achieve. I am at peace/relaxed even though my job responsibilities have increased from last week. Because of mindful eating I have not touched sugar and I lost 3 kg in these 2 weeks Thank You Shatayushi Team...I do believe that I can achieve my goals

Mary Qatar

The microbiome sessions gave me an insight on how important they are for our gut health and overall body.Dr Rashmi also gave us the importance of fermented foods in our daily diet and other tiny changes in our daily life which could bring major positive changes in our health goals.

Diksha Qatar

Medha is an excellent mentor ...with her techniques i am able to reduce my stress and the gratitude list has helped me to be grateful for all the things I am having..

Kimaya New Delhi, India

Ishani and Swapnil where very accomdating....i cannot sit on mat and do exercise..and whenever they do mat exercise they both see to it that i get an alternative exercise using chair. My flexibility has really improved...would love to continue with them

Salina Qatar

Sujata has provided facts which was eye opener for me. The importance of millets was quite usefult

Vani Doha, Qatar

Ishani is a good yoga teacher...she understands our capabilities and accordingly suggests exercise. Medha' s deep healing had helped in reducing stress and in the development of a positive attitude. In short this program provided us lot of information throughout this journey...so really thankful to the Shatayushi team

Venky Navi Mumbai, India

Kudos to team, it is just 1 month (4 weeks) and i feel, observe changes in myself, I ensure to my self to improve more in coming months and would like to connect with Shatayushi forever. Thanks a lot team for continuous support and right time follow up to keep us motivated🙏🙏🙏

Diksha Pune, India

Fantastic session .. This will bring in a shift in our choices and preferences as we make a conscious choice as to what we cook and what we eat .. Thank you for these lovely insights.

Shobha Bengaluru, India

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Smita madam (for recommending me to connect with Shatayushi) and also to the Shatayushi team for guiding me in improving my health (physical, mental), thought process, self care and determination, managing emotions and physical fitness.

Sneha Pune, India

Yes it is mainly due to the changes made in my diet. But as I mentioned before because of this program, I am trying my best to remain consistent with 10K steps, other activities I like to keep changing, depending on what recommendations I receive on YouTube.

Aakansha Mumbai, India

Dr.Rashmi has gave us insight into ways to improve our gut microbiome by following healthy food habits. She also taught d importance of fermented foods which are gut friendly and many more ideas to improve our gut health

Aalisha Qatar

Microbiom was hetherto, an unknown field for me. Dr.Rashmi's talks have given me an insight in this field. Her tips in this matter will surely help me achieve my health goals.I will follow her tips religiosity.

shyla Pune, India

Ishani and Swapnil's yoga sessions were very interesting and it has helped me in keeping myself alert and active.

Shobha Bengaluru, India

Sujata's daily diet tips were reminders of those ingredients which we use almost daily but are not aware about the medicinal properties it has and how it is important for our body.

Jasleen Navi Mumbai, India

The stretching exercises are a must particularly for my age (75+). Both Ishani and Swapnil has done a marvelous job. Their exercise tips are both helpful and sustainable.

Lata Pune, India
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