Our Team

Dr. Rashmi Kulkarni

Co - Founder

With a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Genetics and Masters in Microbiology, followed by several years of research in Molecular Biology as well as in teaching different age groups, Rashmi has had diverse work experiences in India, USA, Singapore, and in Qatar.

More recently, she has dabbled in the world of hydroponics with her own start-up in Doha, Qatar focusing on Nutrition. With her love of teaching, she has conducted several outreach programs to educate students of all age groups, parents, and educators about the importance of germs in our lives and how we can harness their power to ward off allergies, infections and chronic diseases. She is passionate about teaching graduate and postgraduate level courses in Genetics, Molecular Biology and the Human Microbiome in engaging formats.

Optimum nutrition has been the focus of Rashmi’s personal and professional endeavors. Her focus on nutrition stemmed from her own experiences with her children, creating new and interesting recipes to add new twists to traditional food and add diversity in their eating habits. She believes in encouraging children to incorporate more color and variety to their food with local and seasonal produce, nuts, seeds, in addition to other food groups to benefit from the rich culinary diversity she has inherited.

Sujata Gokhale

Co - Founder

With a master’s degree in Information Technology and Control systems Engineering bachelor’s, Sujata has worked on various projects in India and Qatar in the Oil and Gas Industry. She also has diverse experience as a techpreneur and an educator. Her journey as an international technology educator, has given her the opportunity to design curriculum for young adults and enrich her with their diverse cultures.

A passionate nutritionist, Sujata loves to experiment with different food items including variety of grains, millets, vegetables, nuts, cereals and fruits. Her experiential journey in nutrition began when she encountered lifestyle diseases in and around her family and also from the vision to inculcate knowledge of positive nutrition in her kids. She believes in introducing the concept of sense of touch, smell, color and taste in children by making them active participants in their everyday gastronomical experiences.

An interesting read on the topic Microbiome fueled the passion of collating information on the impact diverse food has on one’s Microbiome and how it could be beneficial in improving our health. Sujata would like to take this awareness to the mothers all over the world so that every child and therefore a whole generation enjoys good health. She also aspires to bring back to the food table traditional foods, flavors, local and seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Renuka Kelkar

Co - Founder

Renuka is a Google Developer Expert for Flutter based in London. She is a Founder of TechPowerGirls Community (@TechPowerGirls1) that helps women and students from rural parts of India to empower them using Flutter App Development. She has helped them upskill for better job opportunities and personal growth. She also conducts educational programs to teach high school children and adults in app development.

Renuka has 15+ years of experience in Website Design and development and past 4+ years in Mobile App development. She has the unique vision of developing the right apps to fulfil niche educational needs for students globally. Renuka has mainly worked in the Healthcare and Education Domain. Renuka is currently working as a Flutter Developer at AltaFlora, UK.

Along with this, Renuka is a WomenTech Ambassador and Google Developer Group Organiser in London. She gives talks on Flutter at various Tech Conferences/Colleges/IT Companies all over the world. Her experience in teaching a very diverse group brings out unique ideas and techniques that cater to a wider audience. So far, she has mentored 1000+ women and students worldwide. She has been featured on the official Google YouTube channel for her talk on Flutter.

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