February 14, 2023

Eat Now, Pay Later

Mixing two negatives to make a positive (aka soft drink + instant noodles) sounds like a scary combination, but whatever sounds cool, right? Following weird food fads seems to be the new trend now. Even if it takes a toll on our long-term health, why bother to think about tomorrow?....
February 7, 2023

It’s a Microbial World

In the world of microbes, we are insignificant beings. Such was the realization when we went for the inauguration of the event “World of Microbes” at Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College in Navi Mumbai, India. The overnight travel did not deter us from participating in the excitement of the wonderful and unique event....
January 17, 2023

Digital Devices or Lost Opportunities?

I heard the scream of a new born in the hospital as I was visiting an ailing friend. “Aww” was my first reaction as I saw the mother and the baby being wheeled out of the L&D, with the father walking behind.....
January 11, 2023


The name Terminator can conjure up so many thoughts in one’s mind. For some from the millennial generation or the ones before that it vividly recalls one of the successful movies by the same name and the character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger....
January 5, 2023

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions are the year-end competitions where everyone on the planet competes for coming up with the most ambitious and exotic goals for the upcoming […]
  • Smart Starts in the Gut: Why a Healthy Microbiota Matters for Your Baby’s Brain
    They say "go with your gut," but for expecting mothers, that gut might be influencing more than just food cravings—it could be shaping the brain development of their little one. What’s the connection between a mom’s microbiota and a baby’s developing brain?.....
  • Nourishing Traditions: Leading by Example During the Festive Season
    The festive season is a time for joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, it’s also a period when it’s easy to overindulge in rich foods, sugary treats, and calorie-dense beverages. While enjoying these moments is important, it’s equally crucial to maintain our health and well-being during these festivities.....
  • Unmasking the Hidden Dangers of Unbalanced Diets: A Comprehensive Guide
    In our fast-paced, convenience-driven world, maintaining good health can often seem like an uphill battle. However, there are simple practices that can make a significant difference. One such practice is incorporating a one-day fast into your monthly routine.....
  • Revitalize Your Gut: The Power of a One-Day Monthly Fast
    In our fast-paced, convenience-driven world, maintaining good health can often seem like an uphill battle. However, there are simple practices that can make a significant difference. One such practice is incorporating a one-day fast into your monthly routine.....
  • The Early Hook: The Dangers of Children’s Exposure to Junk Food
    Children's exposure to junk food from an early age is a growing concern. The ubiquitous presence of fast food outlets, sugary snacks, and highly processed foods has made it easier than ever for kids to get hooked on unhealthy eating habits.....
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