June 25, 2024

Om and Yum: The Harmony of Meditation and Your Gut Microbiome

If someone told you that sitting in a quiet room trying not to think about that embarrassing thing you did in seventh grade could help your gut bacteria, you might think they were pulling your leg.....
May 28, 2024

Food for Thought: Nutrition and Children’s brain development

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in children's brain development, influencing cognitive function, memory, and overall mental health. As parents, it's crucial to ensure that the foods we provide support this critical aspect of our children's growth.....
May 7, 2024

Embracing Traditional Probiotics: Lacto-Fermented Pickles

In the colorful tapestry of Indian cuisine, pickles hold a revered place. From the tangy Aam ka Achar (mango pickle) to the fiery Mirchi ka Achar (chili pickle), these vibrant condiments are more than just accompaniments; they are a celebration of flavor and tradition....
April 30, 2024

Overnight Fermented Rice: Nature’s Probiotic

In our journey towards better health, we often overlook simple yet powerful solutions that nature provides. One such hidden gem lies in the age-old practice of fermenting rice overnight, transforming it into a natural probiotic powerhouse. .....
April 23, 2024

Our First Probiotic – A Gift from Birth

In the journey of infancy, amidst the marvels of birth and early development, there exists a silent protagonist, Bifidobacterium longum – our first probiotic. Often overshadowed, yet crucial in shaping our health from the very beginning, this bacterium deserves recognition as the pioneer of our gut microbial ecosystem.....
April 15, 2024

The Microbial Angle to The Curd

As summer rolls in, there's one food that takes the spotlight: The home-made Curd. Not too long ago, it played a supporting role, accompanying parathas or making an occasional appearance in watered-down chaas or raita....
April 10, 2024

Uncovering the Silent Pandemic: Diabetes Awareness

In the global landscape of health, one silent pandemic looms large, often overlooked despite its staggering prevalence: diabetes. This chronic condition, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, affects millions worldwide, with numbers rising at an alarming rate....
April 2, 2024

Revolutionize Your Walk: From Leisurely Strolls to Power Strides

Walking is often overlooked in the realm of exercise, yet it stands as a stalwart pillar of fitness—simple, accessible, and remarkably effective. But let's not settle for mundane when we can infuse our walks with vitality and vigor! Let's delve into the nuances of speed, timing, and ambiance to transform our everyday saunters into energizing power walks!......
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